Secure Attractive Returns with Bizongo Senior Secured Bonds on TapInvest

bizongo bonds on tap invest

Enhance Portfolio Stability By Investing In Senior Secured bonds:

In today’s volatile financial landscape, investors prioritise stability and attractive returns. TapInvest, a leading fintech platform, offers a compelling solution: Bizongo’s Senior Secured Bonds. These bonds cater to investors seeking a secure and lucrative way to grow their capital, providing:

  • Competitive Yields: Earn a significant 14.5% annual return (11.50% coupon), exceeding returns traditional investment options offer.
  • Predictable Cash Flow: Receive consistent monthly payouts combining principal and interest, ensuring a reliable source of income to align with your financial goals.
  • Enhanced Security Structure: The senior secured nature prioritises repayment in case of default. This preferential claim on Bizongo’s assets compared to other creditors offers an extra layer of security for your investment.

Why Choose Bizongo Bonds?

  • Investing in a B2B Leader: Established in 2015, Bizongo is a frontrunner in the B2B space, revolutionising supply chain operations for Indian MSMEs. Their innovative platform integrates and optimises the entire supply chain for brands and vendors, fostering significant growth and efficiency.
  • Credibility Backed by Renowned Investors: Leading investment firms like Tiger Global and Accel endorse Bizongo, further solidifying their credibility. These prestigious firms have a proven track record of identifying and supporting high-growth companies, adding confidence to your investment decision.
  • Commitment to Innovation: Bizongo goes beyond essential supply chain management. Their comprehensive suite includes digital vendor onboarding, automated purchase orders and invoicing, supply chain financing, and after-sales service management. This continuous innovation ensures that Bizongo remains at the forefront of the B2B e-commerce industry.
  • Solid Financial Performance: Bizongo boasts impressive growth with significant Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) and Contribution Margin improvements. This solid financial performance translates to a reliable investment opportunity with a promising future.

Seamless Investment Experience with TapInvest:

Investing in Bizongo’s Senior Secured Bonds is a straightforward process with TapInvest’s user-friendly platform:

  1. Account Creation: Sign up on TapInvest to initiate your investment journey.
  2. KYC Verification: Complete the KYC process to ensure secure transactions and regulatory compliance.
  3. Investment Exploration: Browse available bonds and select Bizongo’s Senior Secured Bonds. The minimum investment amount of ₹1 lakh makes it investible to a broader range of investors.
  4. Investment and Returns: Finalize the transaction and earn high returns on your investment.

Capture this Lucrative Opportunity

Bizongo’s Senior Secured Bonds offer a unique combination of competitive yields, predictable cash flow, and senior security. By investing in a trusted B2B leader, you’re not just securing your financial future; you’re contributing to the growth of a leading Indian company.

Disclaimer: Bond investments are inherently risky. Conduct thorough research and consider your risk tolerance before investing.


1. What is a senior secured bond?

A senior secured bond is a debt security backed by collateral, giving it a higher priority over other unsecured debt in the event of liquidation. The Bizongo bonds are secured, meaning the company’s assets back them.

2. What does the 14.5% yield mean?

The 14.5% yield includes the annual coupon rate of 11.50% plus additional returns, resulting in an overall yield to maturity of 14.5%. This is the total expected return for investors who hold the bond until maturity, including interest payments and principal repayment.

3. What are the risks associated with investing in unrated bonds?

Unrated bonds do not have a credit rating, making assessing the risk more challenging. However, the security and yield can still offer attractive returns, especially when backed by a company’s assets, as in the case of senior secured bonds. It is essential to conduct thorough research and understand the company’s financial health before investing.

4. How are the payouts structured for the Bizongo bonds?

Bizongo bonds offer monthly payouts, including both principal and interest. This structure provides investors with regular income throughout the bond’s tenure.

5. What is the minimum investment required?

The minimum investment required for the Bizongo bonds is ₹1,00,000. This makes them accessible to many investors looking to diversify their portfolios with a fixed-income product.

6. How do I invest in Bizongo bonds through TapInvest?

To invest in Bizongo bonds through TapInvest, sign up on our platform and complete the necessary KYC requirements. Once your account is set up, you can view the bond details and invest directly through the platform.

7. What happens if I exit my investment before the bond matures?

The Bizongo bonds are tradable on the secondary market, allowing investors to sell their holdings before maturity if needed. However, the market price may vary, and investors may not receive the bond’s total face value.

8. Is there any lock-in period for these bonds?

There is no specific lock-in period for the Bizongo bonds, but they are intended to be held until the maturity date of 22nd May 2025. Investors can trade them on the secondary market to exit earlier.

9. Who can invest in these bonds?

Indian residents, including individuals, HUFs, and NRIs, can invest in these bonds, subject to applicable regulations and requirements. It is recommended to consult with a financial advisor t o ensure the investment aligns with your financial goals and risk profile.

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