Callable Bonds: Everything Investors Need to Know About Redeemable Bonds

Callable or redeemable bonds offer investors unique benefits and potential risks. Issued by corporations and governments, these bonds give the issuer the right to redeem the bond before its maturity date, which differentiates them from standard bonds. Callable bonds provide attractive yields for investors, but they also carry the possibility of being “called” before maturity.

In this detailed guide, we will explore callable bonds, their functions, advantages and disadvantages, and investing strategies. We’ll also answer common questions investors have about callable bonds, helping you understand whether they belong in your portfolio.

What Are Callable Bonds?

Callable bonds are fixed-income securities the issuer can redeem before the bond’s maturity date. This option is usually exercised when interest rates drop, allowing the issuer to reissue debt at a lower cost.

When a bond is callable, the issuer can “call” it after a specified date, typically at a predetermined call price. The issuer must give the bondholder notice before the call occurs, usually 30 to 60 days in advance. Callable bonds are common among corporate bonds but can also be found in government and municipal bonds.

How Callable Bonds Work?

Callable bonds function similarly to traditional bonds regarding coupon payments and face value, with the critical difference being the issuer’s right to redeem the bond early.

  1. Issuance and Coupon Payments: Like regular bonds, callable bonds are issued with a face value, coupon rate, and maturity date. The investor receives regular interest payments based on the coupon rate.
  2. Call Feature: Callable bonds come with a call date, which is the earliest the issuer can redeem the bond. Some bonds have multiple call dates. The bondholder must know that the bond can be redeemed any time after the call date, often when interest rates fall.
  3. Call Price: When the bond is called, the issuer redeems it at a predetermined call price, which could be at par value or above, depending on the bond’s terms.
  4. Calling the Bond: The issuer redeems the bond by repaying the bondholder the call price. The investor receives the face value and any accrued interest but forgoes future interest payments as the bond is no longer outstanding.

Callable bonds offer higher yields to compensate investors for the risk of having their bonds called early, cutting short the period during which they would earn interest.

Types of Callable Bonds:

  1. Fully Callable Bonds: These can be called any time after the call date.
  2. Partially Callable Bonds: The issuer can call only part of the total issue.
  3. Deferred Callable Bonds: These bonds cannot be called until a specified period after issuance, typically five to ten years.

Advantages of Callable Bonds:

  1. Higher Yields: Callable bonds often provide higher interest rates than non-callable bonds to compensate for the call risk. This can be attractive to income-seeking investors.
  2. Potential for Price Appreciation: If the bond is not called and interest rates decrease, the price of the callable bond may increase due to its higher fixed coupon rate.
  3. Diversification: Callable bonds offer diversification within a fixed-income portfolio, as their risk-return profile differs from traditional bonds.

Disadvantages of Callable Bonds:

  1. Call Risk: The biggest downside of callable bonds is the potential for the bond to be redeemed before maturity. This means the investor may miss out on future interest payments, especially if the bond is called during declining interest rates.
  2. Reinvestment Risk: When a bond is called, investors face the challenge of reinvesting the returned principal in a lower interest rate environment. The reinvestment opportunities may not offer yields as attractive as the original bond.
  3. Price Fluctuation: Callable bonds may trade lower than similar non-callable bonds due to the added risk of being called. Their price is also more sensitive to interest rate changes, especially near the call date.
  4. Complexity: Callable bonds have more complicated terms than traditional bonds, including call schedules and prices, which may make them difficult for some investors to understand fully.

Callable Bonds vs. Non-Callable Bonds:

The significant difference between callable and non-callable bonds lies in the call feature. Non-callable bonds cannot be redeemed before maturity, which offers more predictability regarding interest payments and principal repayment. However, non-callable bonds generally offer lower yields than callable bonds because they lack the call risk.

Callable bonds are more advantageous to issuers when interest rates fall, as they can replace higher-interest debt with cheaper financing. The higher initial yield may appeal to investors but comes at the cost of potential call risk.

Who Should Invest in Callable Bonds?

Callable bonds may be suitable for:

  • Income-Oriented Investors: Those seeking higher yields than typical bonds may find callable bonds appealing.
  • Experienced Investors: Investors with a deep understanding of bond markets, interest rate fluctuations, and risk tolerance are better suited to invest in callable bonds.
  • Diversified Portfolios: Callable bonds can add diversity to a fixed-income portfolio, balancing other assets with different risk-return profiles.

However, conservative investors or those who rely heavily on predictable income may prefer to avoid callable bonds due to the potential for loss of future income if the bond is called.

How to Invest in Callable Bonds?

Investing in callable bonds can be done through various channels:

  1. Primary Market: Investors can buy callable bonds directly from issuers during bond offerings.
  2. Secondary Market: Callable bonds can also be purchased from existing bondholders in the secondary market through brokers or financial platforms.
  3. Bond Funds: Investors who want exposure to callable bonds without directly holding them can invest in mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that focus on them.

When investing, it is crucial to understand the bond’s call schedule, interest rate environment, and your financial goals. Consulting with a financial advisor can also help tailor your investment strategy.

To know more about the Primary and Secondary market, Read this:

FAQs About Callable Bonds

  1. Why do issuers call bonds?
    • Issuers call bonds to refinance their debt at lower interest rates when market rates fall, reducing their overall cost of borrowing.
  2. What happens when a bond is called?
    • When a bond is called, the issuer repays the bondholder’s call price (usually the face value) and any accrued interest, effectively ending the bond’s life.
  3. Are callable bonds riskier than non-callable bonds?
    • Yes, callable bonds carry additional risks, such as call risk and reinvestment risk, but they also offer higher yields to compensate for these risks.
  4. Can I lose money with callable bonds?
    • While callable bonds provide regular interest payments, the risk of reinvesting the returned principal in a lower interest rate environment is higher if the bond is called.
  5. When is a callable bond most likely to be called?
    • Callable bonds are most likely to be called when interest rates decrease, as issuers can refinance at lower rates.


Callable bonds offer a unique investment opportunity with both potential rewards and risks. For investors seeking higher yields and willing to accept the possibility of early redemption, callable bonds can be an attractive addition to a fixed-income portfolio. However, understanding the risks involved, including call and reinvestment risks, is essential before investing. For those looking to explore callable bonds and other fixed-income securities, Tap Invest offers a comprehensive platform to make informed investment decisions.

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