How CRISIL Mutual Fund Ranking Helps You Choose the Best Funds

Investing in mutual funds is a popular choice for those looking to build wealth, but with thousands of funds, it can be overwhelming for investors to decide which ones to pick. This is where CRISIL mutual fund rankings come into play. In this guide, we’ll dive into CRISIL mutual fund rankings, how they work, and how you can use them to make more informed investment decisions.

What is CRISIL Mutual Fund Ranking?

CRISIL (Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited) is India’s leading ratings and research agency. Its mutual fund ranking system evaluates the performance of various mutual funds in the Indian market based on a wide array of quantitative and qualitative factors. The ranking helps investors by offering an independent assessment of how a fund has performed compared to its peers in the same category.

How CRISIL Ranks Mutual Funds:

CRISIL’s mutual fund ranking system is comprehensive and transparent, assessing funds based on the following criteria:

  1. Historical Performance: CRISIL looks at a fund’s past performance over several years, helping to identify consistent performers rather than those driven by short-term gains.
  2. Risk-Adjusted Returns: Earning high returns requires more than simply earning them. CRISIL considers the risk a fund takes to achieve those returns, providing a better indication of overall fund quality.
  3. Portfolio Quality: CRISIL evaluates the underlying assets within the fund to ensure that high-quality instruments are included, minimising the potential for default or credit risks.
  4. Diversification: Funds that spread risk across different sectors or asset classes typically score higher than those heavily concentrated in a few areas.
  5. Consistency: CRISIL favours funds that perform consistently well over different market cycles, highlighting their resilience to bullish and bearish market conditions.

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CRISIL Mutual Fund Ranking Methodology:

CRISIL uses a five-point scale to rank mutual funds, where funds are assigned rankings ranging from CRISIL Rank 1 to CRISIL Rank 5:

  • CRISIL Rank 1: These are the top 10% of funds within a category.
  • CRISIL Rank 2: These funds fall within the next 20% of top performers.
  • CRISIL Rank 3: Funds ranking here are in the middle 40%.
  • CRISIL Rank 4: Funds in this category are in the next 20%.
  • CRISIL Rank 5: These are the bottom 10% of performers within the category.

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Why CRISIL Mutual Fund Ranking is Important:

  1. Objective Evaluation: CRISIL objectively evaluates a fund’s performance, eliminating any bias that investors or advisors might have.
  2. Risk Mitigation: By focusing on risk-adjusted returns, CRISIL rankings help investors minimise their exposure to unnecessary risk, particularly in volatile markets.
  3. Ease of Comparison: With thousands of mutual funds in the market, comparing performance can be challenging. CRISIL rankings simplify the process by categorising funds based on well-defined criteria.
  4. Better Decision Making: CRISIL’s rankings help investors make informed decisions that align with their risk tolerance, investment horizon, and financial goals.

Using CRISIL Rankings with Tap Invest:

While Tap Invest primarily focuses on fixed-income investment opportunities, understanding how mutual fund rankings work can be valuable for investors looking to diversify their portfolios. Using CRISIL mutual fund rankings alongside our fixed-income products, you can create a well-rounded investment strategy that balances growth and stability.

Although Tap Invest does not offer mutual funds, we emphasise informed investing. Understanding mutual fund rankings can help you choose funds that complement your fixed-income investments.

FAQs on CRISIL Mutual Fund Ranking:

1. How often does CRISIL update its mutual fund rankings?
CRISIL updates its mutual fund rankings quarterly to reflect the latest performance data and market conditions.

2. What are the critical factors considered in CRISIL’s ranking methodology?
CRISIL considers historical performance, risk-adjusted returns, portfolio quality, diversification, and consistency over various market cycles.

3. Can I rely solely on CRISIL rankings for investment decisions?
While CRISIL rankings provide valuable insights, it’s essential to consider your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon before making decisions.

4. How does CRISIL’s ranking differ from credit ratings?
CRISIL mutual fund rankings focus on performance metrics such as returns, risk, and portfolio quality, while credit ratings assess the creditworthiness of issuers and securities.

5. Are there alternatives to CRISIL rankings?
Yes, other agencies like Morningstar and Value Research also provide mutual fund ratings, but CRISIL is one of the most respected in India for its comprehensive approach.


CRISIL mutual fund rankings are vital for investors seeking to make well-informed decisions in a crowded market. By assessing performance, risk, and portfolio quality, CRISIL helps investors pinpoint funds that align with their investment objectives.

At Tap Invest, we focus on fixed-income investment opportunities that offer reliable returns and portfolio diversification. While mutual funds play a crucial role in wealth building, our fixed-income products provide a steady, low-risk complement to more volatile investments.

You can build a balanced and secure financial future by utilising CRISIL mutual fund rankings and diversifying with Tap Invest’s fixed-income products. Sign up today on Tap Invest and explore our curated investment options!

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