Invoice Discounting Investment

Invoice discounting and bill discounting are innovative financial tools reshaping the investment landscape. They offer businesses a unique way to manage cash flow and offer investors lucrative, short-term investment opportunities.

What is Invoice Discounting / Bill Discounting? 

  • Definition: Invoice discounting and bill discounting let businesses quickly turn their future payment claims from sales into cash by selling them to an investor or a platform like Tap Invest at a lower price. This gives businesses the money they need right away to keep running smoothly.
  • How Invoice Discounting / Bill Discounting works with a simple example:
    – A clothing manufacturer sells clothes to a store for ₹100,000, to be paid in 60 days.
    – The manufacturer needs money now to pay workers and buy materials, which are immediate expenses.
    – They sell this future ₹100,000 payment to an investor through Tap Invest for ₹90,000, getting cash immediately.
    – After 60 days, the store pays the full ₹100,000 to the investor.
    – The investor makes a ₹10,000 profit, and the manufacturer meets its working capital needs quickly.
  • Benefits for Investors and Businesses
    – Immediate Working Capital for Businesses: Helps businesses maintain cash flow and growth momentum.
    – Investment Opportunity for Investors: Offers a chance to earn higher returns compared to traditional fixed-income investments.

What are the benefits of Invoice Discounting / Bill Discounting?

  • Portfolio Diversification: Diversifies investment portfolio beyond traditional market-linked instruments.
  • Better Returns: Invoice Discounting/ Bill Discounting offers higher returns within 10-15% annually.
  • Short-term Investment with Quick Returns: Ideal for investors seeking a shorter investment cycle.
  • Low-Risk Profile: Invest with confidence as each invoice is thoroughly vetted by financial experts for credibility. Risks Associated with Invoice and Bill Discounting

Different types of Invoice Discounting:

Disclosed Invoice Discounting:

Here, everyone involved knows that a finance company is involved. For example, if you’re a toy manufacturer, your retailer knows they’re paying the finance company directly, not you. This can get you better rates due to the retailer’s good credit.

Confidential Invoice Discounting:

This is a secret arrangement. Your customers continue to pay you directly, unaware of any finance company’s involvement. It’s pricier but keeps your supplier relationships straightforward.

Spot Invoice Discounting:

This flexible option lets you choose specific invoices to finance, which is helpful for businesses with varying cash flow needs.  It’s perfect for when your business’s cash flow changes, like if you sell seasonal products or work on big projects now and then.

Whole Turnover Invoice Discounting:

Here, you finance your entire sales ledger, which is suitable for businesses with steady, ongoing contracts, like a company supplying monthly cleaning services to offices. It is best for businesses with steady sales all year round and who want to finance most of their invoices for smoother operations.

General risks involved in Invoice Discounting: 

  • Credit Risk: The risk of the debtor defaulting on their payment. Example – A bakery sells cakes on credit to a café, but the café goes out of business and can’t repay the bakery.
  • Fraud Risk: The risk of fraudulent invoices being used to raise funds. Example – A company claims it sold goods worth ₹50,000 to another business, but the sale never happened, and they try to get financing based on this fake invoice.
  • Liquidity Risk: The risk arising from payment delays affecting investors.  Liquidity. Example – An investor buys an invoice expecting to be paid in 30 days. The payment is delayed to 60 days, causing the investor to miss out on using that money for other investments.
  • Dispute Risk: Risks related to disagreements between buyer and seller affecting payment. Example – A manufacturer delivers products to a retailer. The retailer claims the products were defective and refuses to pay the invoice.
  • Co-Mingling Risk: Risks associated with false invoicing in related party transactions. Example –  A business owner issues an invoice from their company to another company they own for services that were never provided, intending to misuse the funds from invoice financing.

The Tap Invest Advantage:

Our Approach: Tap Invest stands out by meticulously selecting premium invoice discounting opportunities. We prioritise businesses showing strong potential, including those with a clear runway for the next 12+ months, strategic backers, and a well-defined route to profitability. Our due diligence is thorough, involving deep dives into company backgrounds, discussions with fellow lenders and investors, and comprehensive customer analysis covering their credit scores and financial health.

Risk Assessment: Our commitment to security is demonstrated through rigorous risk assessment and mitigation practices. We delve into various checks, including physical verifications, income tax return validations, GST filings, bank statement scrutinies, legal background checks, and more, ensuring a safe investment landscape for our clients.

Navigating the Tap Invest Platform

  • Step-by-Step Guide: We guide you through each step of using our intuitive platform.
    For Android users and for Web Users. 
  • 1. [Ready] You can get started by signing up with your
    i) Email ID
    ii) Phone number
    iii) Syncing your Google account
  • 2. [Set] Complete your KYC. It is mandatory to fill in your
    i) Bank Account Details
    ii) PAN Number
    iii) Link your Aadhar 
  • 3. [Go] Now you’re ready to start with Tap. Start your journey across any of our products.
    Your first investment with us can begin with just ₹10,000/- with our Kickstarter program.
  • 4. Investor Support: Our dedicated investor success team at Tap can assist and provide resources to help you make the best decisions.
    Ready to start investing in invoice discounting? Sign up now and take the first step towards a smarter investment future. Contact us for more information or inquiries.

TapInvestTM is an intermediary technology platform facilitating transactions in financial products. The information provided herein is for information purposes only. Investors are advised to read, understand and verify all offer documents carefully. Company shall not be responsible for any decisions of the Investors and disclaims all liabilities of whatsoever nature in this regard

FAQs On Invoice Discounting Investment:

Q: Is there any minimum investment amount to invest in Invoice Discounting?

A: Yes, there is a minimum investment specific to every deal, but you can start investing in Invoice Discounting on Tap Invest with ₹10,000/- on your 1st investment through our Kickstarter deals.

Q: Is there a minimum investment amount for Invoice Discounting?

A: Yes, each opportunity has its specific minimum investment requirement.

Q: Is invoice discounting a good investment?

A: Invoice discounting can be a good investment, especially for those seeking short-term returns. It allows investors to purchase invoices from businesses at a discount, providing immediate cash flow to businesses and a predictable return to investors when the invoices are paid. However, like all investments, it carries risks, such as the possibility of invoice default, so it’s important to carefully assess the creditworthiness of the businesses involved.

Q: Is invoice discounting legal in India?

A: Yes, Invoice discounting: the sale of invoices to a third party for immediate cash at a discount, is legal in India. It’s regulated by the Reserve Bank of India, ensuring transparency and fair dealings.

Q: What is the interest rate for invoice discounting?

A: The interest rate for invoice discounting typically ranges from 10-15% annually [+] . However, it’s important to remember that this can vary depending on the specific lender, the creditworthiness of the company you’re invoicing, and other factors.

Q: What are the disadvantages of invoice discounting?

A: Invoice discounting comes with a few drawbacks:

Cost: Invoice discounting fees can eat into your profits. These fees can be a flat rate or a percentage of the invoice value.

Dependence: It can be easy to become reliant on invoice discounting for cash flow, which can be risky if your business slows down.

Client impact: Some clients may not appreciate you selling their invoices at a discount, potentially harming business relationships.

Q: Is invoice discounting profitable?

A: Yes, invoice discounting can be profitable for businesses, but it depends on factors such as the discount rate, volume of invoices, and efficiency of credit control processes.

Q: Is Invoice Discounting as an investment on Tap Invest risky

A: Investments undergo thorough credit and risk assessments. However, they carry risks, including the potential loss of the investment. Diversification is advised.

Q: How can I track my investments on Tap Invest?

A: Our dashboard can monitor investments, with periodic updates provided. If you want more help, our customer relations team is available weekdays from 09:30 AM to 7:30 PM.

Q: Where do repayments get credited?

A: Repayments are credited to your bank account or Tap Wallet specified on our platform.

Q: How often do companies use invoice discounting for capital?

A: Regularly, as it’s a crucial method for managing working capital.

Q: Why do companies opt for invoice discounting?

A: It provides immediate cash flow from credit sales, meeting essential business needs.

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