Best Trading Hours: Stock Market Timings in India Explained

The Indian stock market offers vast opportunities for traders and investors to buy and sell securities. Understanding the exact timings of the stock market is crucial for anyone involved in trading or investing. This article provides an in-depth look at the stock market timings in India, including various sessions, their significance, and tips on how to maximise your trading potential.

Overview of Stock Market Timings:

The Indian stock market operates on specific timings set by the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE). These timings are standardised and consistent across all working days except for public holidays.

Regular Trading Session:

The regular trading session, often called the “cash market,” is where most trading activities occur. The Indian stock market follows a continuous trading session with the following timings:

  • Pre-Opening Session: 9:00 AM to 9:15 AM
    • Order Entry: 9:00 AM to 9:08 AM
    • Order Matching: 9:08 AM to 9:12 AM
    • Buffer Period: 9:12 AM to 9:15 AM
  • Regular Trading Session: 9:15 AM to 3:30 PM
    • The main trading session is where the bulk of the transactions take place.
  • Post-Closing Session: 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM
    • The closing session helps finalise the day’s trading and allows traders to settle transactions.

Extended Trading Hours:

The Indian stock market has extended trading hours in addition to regular trading sessions, including the After Market Orders (AMO) session and the Block Deal Session.

  • After Market Orders (AMO): 3:45 PM to 8:57 AM the next day.
  • Block Deal Session:
    • A special session for bulk transactions, typically carried out by large institutional investors, is conducted in two trading windows:
      • Morning Window: 8:45 AM to 9:00 AM
      • Afternoon Window: 2:05 PM to 2:20 PM

Special Trading Sessions:

Occasionally, the Indian stock exchanges conduct special trading sessions called Muhurat Trading, which typically takes place during Diwali. This session is considered auspicious and is a tradition in the Indian financial markets.

  • Muhurat Trading Session:
    • The timing of this session is announced by the exchanges, usually lasting for an hour in the evening.

Holidays and Non-Trading Days:

The Indian stock market does not operate on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) or on public holidays recognised by the stock exchanges. The NSE and BSE publish a list of holidays at the beginning of each year.

Importance of Market Timings for Investors:

Understanding stock market timings is essential for optimising trading strategies and minimising risks. Traders and investors can take advantage of different sessions based on their objectives and market conditions.

  1. Volatility in the Pre-Opening Session: This session is ideal for experienced traders looking to capture volatility and price discovery early in the day.
  2. Liquidity in the Normal Session: Most liquidity and trading activity occur normally, making it ideal for buying and selling securities with minimal price impact.
  3. Settlement in the Post-Closing Session: The post-closing session is important for finalizing transactions and for institutional investors to review their trading strategies.
  4. Planning with AMO: After-market orders allow traders to plan their trades without the pressure of the live market, making them convenient for those who can’t trade during regular hours.
  5. Leveraging Special Sessions: Muhurat Trading offers a unique opportunity to participate in a symbolic trading session, which may have sentimental value or serve as a market trend indicator.

    If you are into trading and don’t know about stock market crashes, that’s not fair. To learn about the biggest stock market crashes in India, read this:
FAQs on Stock Market Timings in India:
  1. What are the regular stock market timings in India?
    • The regular stock market timings in India are from 9:15 AM to 3:30 PM on all trading days.
  2. Can I place orders before the market opens?
    • Yes, you can place orders during the pre-opening session from 9:00 AM to 9:15 AM or use the AMO facility.
  3. What is the significance of the Muhurat Trading session?
    • Muhurat Trading is a special trading session conducted during Diwali, which is considered auspicious and a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
  4. Are there any trading sessions after the market closes?
    • Yes, there is a post-closing session from 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM, and traders can place AMO from 3:45 PM to 8:57 AM.
  5. Is there trading on weekends or public holidays?
    • The Indian stock market is closed on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) and recognised public holidays.


Being aware of the stock market timings in India is crucial for effective trading and investment strategies. Whether you’re a day trader or a long-term investor, understanding the different sessions and their significance can help you optimise your trading activities and enhance your financial decisions. At Tap Invest, we provide resources and insights to help you navigate the financial markets confidently. Explore our platform to discover more investment opportunities tailored to your financial goals.

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