Understanding the Zero Cost Collar

The zero-cost collar is a strategic approach used in financial markets to protect investments from potential losses while allowing for limited upside potential. This technique is trendy among investors looking to hedge against market volatility without incurring additional costs. This article thoroughly explores the zero-cost collar, including its structure, benefits, drawbacks, and real-world applications.

What is a Zero Cost Collar?

A zero-cost collar is an options trading strategy in which an investor holding a long position in security simultaneously buys a protective put option and sells a call option with the same expiration date. The premium earned from selling the call option offsets the cost of the put option, making the overall strategy cost-neutral.

Example of a Zero-Cost Collar:

Imagine an investor who owns a stock valued at $100. To guard against a potential price drop, the investor buys a put option with a $95 strike price, costing $2 per share. Concurrently, they sell a call option with a $105 strike price, earning a $2 per share premium. The net cost of this strategy is zero since the premium received from the call option equals the cost of the put option.

Read this article to learn about how to calculate your EPS: https://tapinvest.in/blog/earnings-per-share-eps-formula/

Application in FX Options and Hedging:

Zero Cost Collar in FX Options:

In the foreign exchange market, a zero-cost collar can be used to hedge against currency fluctuations. For example, a company expecting to receive payments in a foreign currency might use a zero-cost collar to lock in a favourable exchange rate while protecting against adverse movements.

Zero Cost Collar Hedging Strategy:

This strategy is particularly effective in limiting downside risk while capping potential gains. It’s commonly used by investors willing to sacrifice some upside potential in exchange for protection against significant losses.

Payoff Structure:

Zero Cost Collar Payoff:

The payoff structure of a zero-cost collar is straightforward. If the underlying asset’s price falls below the put strike price, the put option compensates for the loss. If the price rises above the call strike price, gains are capped as the investor must sell the asset at the call strike price.

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Zero Cost Collar:

Benefits of a Zero-Cost Collar:

  • Cost-Effective: As the name suggests, the strategy incurs no net cost, making it an attractive option for investors looking to hedge without additional expenses.
  • Downside Protection: It safeguards against significant losses, making it ideal for volatile markets.

Drawbacks of a Zero-Cost Collar:

  • Limited Upside: The primary drawback is the capped upside potential. Investors forfeit any gains above the call strike price.
  • Complexity: Implementing this strategy requires a good understanding of options trading, which might not be suitable for beginners.

    If you are a new investor, you must know about the basic concepts of the stock market. Read this article to gain in-depth knowledge of IPO Flipping: https://tapinvest.in/blog/ipo-flipping/

FAQs On Zero Cost Collar:

1. What is a zero-cost collar?
A zero-cost collar protects an investment at no net cost by buying a put option and selling a call option.

2. How does a zero-cost collar work in FX options?
In FX options, a zero-cost collar hedges against currency fluctuations by locking in a favourable exchange rate while capping potential gains.

3. What is the payoff structure of a zero cost collar?

The payoff structure includes protection against losses below a certain price while capping gains above a specified price.

4. What are the advantages of using a zero cost collar?

The primary advantage is the cost-effective protection against significant losses, with no net cost involved.

5. Are there any disadvantages to a zero cost collar?

The main disadvantage is the limited upside potential, as gains are capped at the call strike price.


The zero-cost collar is a valuable tool for investors looking to hedge their investments without incurring additional costs. By understanding its structure, applications, and potential outcomes, investors can use this strategy to protect their portfolios in volatile markets. However, it’s essential to consider the limitations and ensure it aligns with overall investment goals.

This article provides an in-depth look at the zero-cost collar strategy, covering all essential aspects, from its basic concept to practical applications. Whether you’re just starting or an experienced investor, understanding this strategy can add a valuable tool to your investment approach. Sign up for Tap Invest today for more investment insights to diversify your portfolio!

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